1. Me Chama de Bruna (2016) movie posters - MoviePosterDB
A middle-class teen runs away from home and decides to work as a call girl. In little time, she becomes Bruna Surfistinha and gains notoriety.
Discover 1 movie poster of Me Chama de Bruna (Drama) on MoviePosterDB.
2. Call Me Bruna (2016) - GoldPoster
Country: Brazil; Genres: Drama; Release: 2016-10-09; Director: N/A; Writers: N/A; Language: Portuguese; Stars: Maria Bopp , Simone Mazzer , Simone Mazzer ...
Call Me Bruna,
3. Call Me Bruna • Season - TvProfil
poster. Call Me Bruna. Me Chama de Bruna (2016). Drama | Brazil. Where to watch. Show not available in country. Express Telecomunicaciones. 4.57K subscribers.
Call Me Bruna - Season 4
4. Call Me Bruna (TV Series 2016-2020) - The Movie Database
Raquel is a girl, adopted by an upper-middle-class family, who rebelled at 17 and left her family and studies at a traditional college in São Paulo to become a ...
Raquel is a girl, adopted by an upper-middle-class family, who rebelled at 17 and left her family and studies at a traditional college in São Paulo to become a prostitute.
5. Call Me Bruna • Series - TvProfil
Raquel is a upper middle class young woman who decides to change her life, runs away from home and starts working at Stella's brothel, an old madam.
Raquel is a upper middle class young woman who decides to change her life, runs away from home and starts working at Stellas brothel, an old madam
6. Me Chama de Bruna | TVmaze
A middle-class teen runs away from home and decides to work as a call girl. In little time, she becomes Bruna Surfistinha and gains notoriety.
A middle-class teen runs away from home and decides to work as a call girl. In little time, she becomes Bruna Surfistinha and gains notoriety after writing her routine on a blog.
7. Me Chama de Bruna - Facebook
Bruna gets a call from the club's manager, René, who wants to blackmail her with images of her committing a crime.
See posts, photos and more on Facebook.
8. Me Chama de Bruna - TheTVDB.com
Sep 29, 2016 · Call Me Bruna. Based on the true story of Raquel Pacheco, also known as Bruna Surfistinha. Bored with her comfortable life in the suburbs, 17 ...
Antes de se tornar a prostituta mais famosa do Brasil ela era apenas uma garota de classe média com um sonho de liberdade. Mas ao sair da casa dos pais, Bruna vai enveredar por um perigoso submundo de sexo, drogas e violência. As dores do crescimento criarão marcas profundas em sua personalidade.
9. Me Chama De Bruna (2016) Poster | PosterTrail.com
Me Chama De Bruna (2016) Also Known As Call Me Bruna (2016) Poster Featuring Maria Bopp, Simone Mazzer, Stella Rabello, Nash Laila, Ludmilla Cohen, ...
Me Chama De Bruna (2016) Also Known As Call Me Bruna (2016) Poster Featuring Maria Bopp, Simone Mazzer, Stella Rabello, Nash Laila, Ludmilla Cohen, Ariclenes Barroso, Clarice Niskier, Wallie Ruy, Álamo Facó, Jonas Bloch At PosterTrail.com
10. Call me Bruna - TV Series (seasons 2 and 3) - Fox Television - WNW
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Cinematography for seasons 2 and 3 - 8 episodes each.